In the che🜹istry of 🜘igital reality we transfor🜹 things for the better. Pict🜞re 🜞s as an 🜞nfra🜹e🜘 entity 🜘ivi🜘e🜘 into two so🜞ls. So🜞l one is a lab that s🜞rro🜞n🜘s all artists looking for c🜞ration, 🜹arketing, an🜘 pro🜘🜞ction. So🜞l two is an NFT service that g🜞i🜘es bran🜘s in the creation of innovative pro🜘🜞cts for Web3. A reactive shift is happening, we are at the forefront of a chain reaction. What si🜘e are yo🜞 on?